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10 Tips for Listing Long Tail Keywords

To appear on the first page of Google and other search engines, positioning yourself on keywords is no longer enough. Indeed, competition is tough on unique words. Today, long tail keywords represent the best solution to improve your natural referencing, whatever your activity. We will see here what the long tail is and how to find the most relevant long tail keywords .

What is a long tail keyword

Why use long tail keywords?
How to find the best long tail keywords?
How to use long tail keywords?
What is a long tail keyword?
Over time, ranking on a single general keyword has become almost impossible. This will require a significant budget and time. It is better to use long tail keywords . A long tail keyword is actually a specific key phrase, made up of several words. The longer a long tail keyword is, the more competitive and specific it will be.

Why use long tail keywords?
A long tail keyword will always generate less traffic than a unique keyword , but its conversion rate will be higher . Why? Because it will correspond to what the Internet user will have searched for. An Internet user looking for a new pair of shoes will colombia phone number library not type “shoes” on Google, but rather “women’s dress shoes” for example. Three main reasons should push you to use the long tail during your SEO campaign :

easier positioning;
a more targeted audience;
cheaper advertising.
The ideal is to find the exact expressions used by Internet users when they perform a search on a search engine. Let’s see how…

How to find the best long tail keywords?
Before even using an SEO tool , you need to take the time to review your offer. What makes it unique? What problem can it solve? Who is it aimed at? With what words will the future customer search for what they need on a search engine? Once you have asked yourself the right questions and have established an initial list of long-tail keywords, you can use various free or paid tools and different techniques to expand your list.

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Google Autocomplete

Called “autocompletion,” autocomplete is the list of words and phrases that appears below the search bar when you start typing a word. It shows the most know the results commonly searched terms.

Related searches
Still on Google, at the bottom of a results page, you will find taiwan data related searches , searches similar to yours made by other Internet users. The majority of these related searches are long tail keywords.

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