Home » 10 WordPress Plugins We Recommend for New E-Commerce Stores

10 WordPress Plugins We Recommend for New E-Commerce Stores

In the current business environment, knowing how to build an online presence is critical to any company’s success. Even companies that generate significant revenue offline can benefit from creating new revenue streams.

In many cases, creating a new revenue stream involves setting up an e-commerce store. Setting up an e-commerce store means working with a website builder like WordPress. People in the digital world know that having good WordPress plugins can make or break a website.

1. Talkative

haveLive ChatA plugin in your eCommerce store can help customers find exactly what they are looking for. It creates a direct communication channel with the customer, which helps regardless of the purchase.

The most significant advantageBrought by ChatyThe main point is that it allows potential customers on other platforms to instantly find the store’s whatsapp marketing service customer service department. This direct connection helps ensure that the store doesn’t miss out on customers because they forgot to check a specific chat app.

Any message sent through one of the 20+ apps Chaty supports will appear on the dashboard. Customer service teams can respond directly on Chaty and keep the conversation going.

2. Protein powder

Pop-ups are not a thing of the past. They are still a great way to stimulate sales. The key is to create a pop-up that really attracts your guests.

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Poptin allows web administrators to create a variety of popups. The popup builder plugin has multiple templates to create popups that offer discounts on specific products. These are also a great way to get users to sign up for your mailing list.

3. Sticky Elements 

Sticky elementsCovering an often overlooked part of the digital marketing world, this plugin allows users to keep their social media or contact information directly visible while they scroll through the website.

Making this information always easily available to visitors makes them more likely to contact the company. Pairing this plugin with Chaty can make communicating with potential customers a breeze.

4. Subscription Form

Having a form that looks professional or at least familiar goes a long way toward attracting more subscribers. Only some people will be eager to sign up for something online.

Giving your visitors extra confidence how i do an organic traffic analysis without being an seo in less than 60 minutes (basic) through a form that looks appropriate can have a positive impact. The appearance of your document is one of the many positive features this plugin offers.Tables can also be synchronized directlyUse an app like MailChimp to help build your email list.

5. CouponX

CouponXNot just another discount popup plugin. This is a plugin that a lot of people have already used. It is known to display a popup with a discount when a user is about to leave the page.

The plugin comes with various templates to create popups that will appear on your website. But that’s not the best thing it brings. It can program different moments when the popups will appear and even create unique codes for each site user.

6. Celebrity testimonials

Do referrals still help convert visits into sales?BrightLocal conducted a survey in 2017, which shows that 85% of online users trust recommendations as much as traditional word-of-mouth advertising.

The numbers may have changed since then. Even if only 60% of web users trust reviews today, it makes sense to include them on e-commerce sites.Star TestimonialsNot only was a section of the website created to add testimonials.

7. WP Sticky Sidebar

Sticky elements orWP Sticky Sidebar, what is the better option? They are both on the list because they can each be suitable for different types of websites. For websites with a more modern design, sticky elements may be a better choice.

WP Sticky Sidebar will make it easier to integrate into more traditional website designs. But that’s not the only use of this plugin. It can grant some websites an extra boost of top-line profits.

8. Folders

It is no wonder that this plugin is not as easy  to use as other plugins.FoldersThe tool allows bzb directory you to manage your media and library elements in a consistent and user-friendly way – helping you keep things organized.

For companies with many products, it is easier to delete old images when images of a particular product are updated. This can help clear more space for the website in the cloud and make it load faster. Many e-commerce websites that have been running for a while are often slow.


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