Home » 8 backlink outreach email templates

8 backlink outreach email templates

Now that we’ve learned how to get backlinks with different link building strategies, the next step is to create great outbound campaigns.

Here are some backlink email templates to get inspiration.

Genuine backlink request email template

Sometimes, the simplest thing to do is to ask.

By first politely asking if the prospect is bulk mail masters the right person, you’ll make sure not to make them lose their time, plus it makes the outreach smart.

Then the genuine approach comes naturally.

We all know that backlink outreach is one of the toughest, so be transparent.

And that’s what Alan did with 69% open rate.

How to find potential backlink partners


bulk mail masters

In your cold email, you can also suggest exchanging something… giving a win-win situation in the process.

Here, Lara’s lovely puppy picture makes the email too cute to resist.

Plus, she put herself in their shoes and thought about what could be interesting for them, and what they’d consider as a win.

Daria used humor with her dog to launch her campaign.

And that’s not all. She also added a follow-up to improve her reply rate. For this purpose, she had a 2-day delay between first and second email.

This campaign brought Daria a 92% open rate and a 44% reply rate.

From 84 emails sent, she managed to build there will always be new relationships with 36 people.

If you want to know more about follow-ups, this article gives you 9 follow-up email templates .

How to build backlinks after a LinkedIn post

Ok, here comes the moment you were all waiting for… Daria’s story about using LinkedIn as her lead magnet to do some link building.

She sent this email a few days after her post was published.

People will see Daria’s face. Since they already engaged and indicated they are interested in the collaboration, they might read the mail until the end.

And she did it well since she had an 86% open rate.

You could also go one step further and add a personalized video to a landing page.

How to get backlinks to your website with unlinked mentions

Depending on how strong your brand is, various people will inevitably mention your brand or company from time to time.

The game plan is straightforward. As soon as you receive an update that somebody has mentioned your company, you reach out to them to turn it canada email lead into a high-quality backlink.

How to know when somebody mentions your name? Check Mention or a similar tool.

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