SIM farms ruining customer trust

In addition to being a real problem for the service providd to your customer. The use of these methods involves a waste of time and resources, compromising customer relationships and brand cdibility.

What are grey routes?

Corporate SMS traffic, or Application-to-Person (A2P ) traffic, is typically transmittd in accordance with the host network protocols. If A2P messages are sent over channels that do not share an bulk mail masters international roaming agreement, carriers are not compensatd for their services and there is little oversight in terms of message security or quality control.

How it works in practice


bulk mail masters

An SMS sent from Italy and d for a customer in Italy , instead of being sent directly from the sending Italian operator to the receiving Italian operator, is rough other networks around the world and then finally returne and delivere to Italy . All this at a reuce price for the sending operator . The consequences of this “grey” process are:

  • a significant increase in the length of the route
  • high risk of delivery delays
  • sometimes significant message loss rates with possible unquantifiable or unverifiable findings, as instead occurs for direct routes.

The growth of SIM farms

A SIM card ( SIM card , Subscriber Identity Module ) is the chip that gives a mobile device an identity on a mobile network, allowing it to be controlle through that network (to activate calls, messages and data). The SIM contains information about the owner and the mobile phone, including the number, contact list and network authorization.

A SIM farm groups together many SIM cards and connects them to computer servers via a GSM modem to create a mass messaging service . These servers can be programme to automatically dial also proactively initiates a numbers and send the same text message to thousands of people. The same system can also automatically send pre-recorde voice messages.

As the saying goes, “if it seems too good to be true, it probably is.”

Gray routes and SIM farms appear to be very low cost, especially when compare to the rates of a provider that uses direct connections with telephone operators. However, their use brings with it a series of problems that can seriously damage the effectiveness of communications and the reputation of the brand .

Customer data breach

Using grey routes poses a huge risk in terms of information security . Customer information is not protecte and the content of messages is easily accessible and can be read, copie or modifie.

No guarantee

Messages sent via grey routes can be thailand data blocke  or even lost and never reach their recipient . There is no traceability at all, and ultimately you as the sender cannot know if the message was receive as there are no delivery receipts.

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