To the number of searches

However, it could happen at the same time that the impressions for “black t-shirts” are rising. Which would have l us to reach the wrong conclusion.

It should be not that the above task is difficult

Due that can be done during a day on a search engine (and the diversity in which these are googl, for example). The solutions to this problem could be approach in many ways…

How could we get these keyword clusters?

1. Create a conditional using regular expressions that would consider all possible cases.
Although it would be possible, it would facebook database require allocating a lot of resources and the results might not be satisfactory due to the difficulty of considering all possible cases.

special data


Use some machine learning algorithm

That allows clustering into different groups of keywords.
The process consists of having a database with a column of keywords in order to subsequently extract the root of said keywords. These roots are then restaurant chains, multi-site restaurants: significant challenges vectoriz and an unsupervis clustering algorithm is appli, K-Means, for example. The algorithm creates the clusters by minimizing the aggregate error of the groups in each iteration.

The more clusters there are

The more difficult the interpretation will be, but the error will be smaller (mean square error or MSE). This is why the elbow rule is us and several possible elbows are analyz to finally choose the one that best solves the problem. Once the clusters are obtain, they are label with a representative name.

This method is not free of problems:

It does not manage to classify all the keywords, there may be problems with stemming, with tagging, with synonyms or with similar but conceptually very different words… In addition, it rarely manages to classify all the keywords.

3. Force an advanc natural language usa data processing tool (in this case Chat GPT) to do the classification itself.
Although it is not a problem-free solution (it is expensive in monetary terms and the computing time is higher), more satisfactory results are achiev than in the other two previous cases.

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