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Come up with a domain name

In which you do not ne to highlight the semantic parts. We would especially like to point out that it is undesirable to use hyphens in sites with Cyrillic addresses. This can create additional difficulties when forming Punicode. #9. Lack of homonyms Homonyms are words that are spell the same but mean different things. Ambiguous meanings are the enemy of a good domain address. Be sure to check if the words you have chosen for your site name have other meanings.

This applies to both English and Russian

An especially to situations where you write several words together. Come up with a simple and clear name that does not raise questions. Domain mom database Generator If you can’t come up with a suitable name yourself, you can use special services. Online generators like Wordoid, DomainHole can pick up various ideas bas on the words or topic you specify. You’ve probably already chosen several phrases or associations that you’d like to include in your domain name.

special data

On such sites, you can generate variations of their use

Conclusion Coming up with the right domain is not an easy task. Whether you are planning to launch an online store or just have a personal this happens not only for reasons blog, without a quality web address, the chances of success will be small. It is necessary to create a simple and memorable name that will be read correctly the first time, evoke the necessary associations and not evoke unnecessary ones.

To do this, you can experiment with key phrases

Abbreviations of names, associative words. At the same material data time, generating a domain name can take a lot of time, and in the end it will not be possible to register it, because someone has already bought it. We must not forget about the main requirement – uniqueness. Choose the domain correctly, and then your site will be more effective.

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