Home » My friends’ experiences were as

My friends’ experiences were as

Unique to them as mine were to me. At the same time, it was eye-opening to see and hear that I was not alone in feeling about my career and future prospects. I want to express my gratitude to the friends who have generously given me their ideas, time, and experiences.

It is these friends who continue to support me,

Encourage me, and give me the support I ne to succe. Larry Till is part of the GovLoop Featur Blogger program, where we showcase blog posts from government voices across the country (and around the world!). To see more Featur Blogger posts, click here. Tags: career, Featur Blogger, work, networking, retirement, search It’s hard to believe, but I’m celebrating my twenty-year anniversary at Esri, the world’s leading mapping and spatial analytics company.

They rang from software architects,

Programmers, scientists, marketing and sales overseas chinese in europe data professionals, and fellow subject matter experts from a variety of industries. I must admit that sometimes I felt like a bit of an outlier in. Jhe tech industry. I’ve heard a lot of stories about millennials who are more interest in jumping from one company to another every few years to stay relevant.

special data

The excitement and energy around technology

The people I work with is so motivating and working for and with government requires inspiring that I never realiz how quickly twenty years had gone by. When I first arriv, the company was going through a major. Jevolution, migrating our software from mainframes and Unix operating systems to PCs.

There was a huge surge in new users in

Government as Bill Gates’ vision of “a PC on every desk and in every home” was quickl. Jecoming a reality. Competition was fierce, technology was evolving quickly, and the thrill of friendly rich data competition to constantly outdo colleagues and seeing the amazing thing. Jour customers were doing with GIS technology was exciting. Looking back, it’s easy to realize that all of the energy came from our founder, Jack. Dangermond.

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