Home » Outreach, in contrast, is aimed not only at getting links

Outreach, in contrast, is aimed not only at getting links

Posting links in forums or discussions with advice that looks natural. In link building exchanges, links are often placed on low-quality sites created specifically for selling links.

Such sites have almost no live audience

And there is virtually no link traffic from articles. But also at attracting real readers thanks to useful information.

Another advantage of outreach over cro philippines phone number data wd marketing is the longevity of links and the relevance of articles. In the case of the crowd, the activity of the link is usually checked only for the first 48 hours, and then interest in it may fade. Instead, articles posted as part of outreach are stored on the sites on a permanent basis.

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Even after a year, they will continue to bring

Traffic because search engines regularly ind ology is a social network ex these materials. What does the client pay for when ordering outreach services When a client orders outreach services, he invests in a whole set of work that is significantly different from simple link building or buying links.

The main part of the budget, about 99%, goes to pay the sites where the articles will be posted. Prices can vary from UAH 350 to several tens of thousands per publication, depending on the authority and popularity of the site. In our case, we usually work in the range from UAH 900 to UAH 6,000 per placement.

In addition to the costs of the sites themselves

The client also benefits from professional text prepa singapore data ration. Quality content helps not only to get links.

But also to attract live visitors who are more likely to stay on the site and take the necessary actions. It is also important that the client’s site is prepared for the advertising campaign: a convenient interface, fast page loading and proper SEO optimization can significantly affect the effectiveness of the outreach. Often, sites mark advertising publications with a special icon or note “Advertising”.

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