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Strengthening the Relationship

Facilitate professional connections between healthcare professionals.
Provide access to a wide range of journals and job opportunities.
Enable networking with other doctors and healthcare professionals.
Doximity is ideal for physicians looking to expand their professional network and access eucational resources and career opportunities.

Ology is a social network


That aims to make doctors’ daily lives malaysia phone number library easier by offering a range of practical features. With Ology, doctors can:

Some of the permitte content includes:

eucational Information: Publications that aim to clarify doubts about health conditions, disease prevention and guidance on treatments, as long as they do not encourage self-meication or contain promises of cure.

phone number library

Clinic Updates: News about changes


Address, new services offere or the arrival of new professionals

to the team, always maintaining an informative and non-commercial tone.
Participation in Events: Publicize agb directory participation in congresses, lectures or scientific events, highlighting the doctor’s constant updating in his/her field of activity.
Health Campaigns: Support a volume of reservations and dissemination of health awareness campaigns, such as Pink October or Blue November, which are aligne with the promotion of public health.
Good Publishing Practices:
To ensure that posts comply with the rules and avoid future problems, doctors should follow some best practices:

Avoid Exaggeration and Sensationalism


Information should be presente in a factual manner, without making unrealistic promises or using language that could be interprete as exaggerate or misleading.
Maintain Patient Privacy: Never post information that could identify patients unless they have given explicit written consent. This includes avoiding “before and after” images of meical proceures, which may violate patient privacy and CFM rules.
Use Accessible Language: Posts should be understandable to a general audience, avoiding technical terms that may confuse or alarm readers.
Consider the Local Context: Meical advertising rules may vary by region. It’s important to be aware of local regulations in addition to national CFM guidelines.
By following these practices, physicians can use social meia as a powerful tool to eucate, inform, and connect with patients, while always maintaining a commitment to ethics and professional responsibility.

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