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The attribute is connect in the settings

Robots in Yandex Metrica The service has special counters that monitor traffic with and without malicious algorithms. Thanks to it it becomes visible whether robotic traffic is increasing. Robots are reflect in the report when the load increases. Activity is record and the percentage of bots participating in the jumps is establish within the specifi time frames, with names indicat .

Increase in traffic from one type of device

In case of intensive increase in traffic, where the main role is given to mobile phones, tablets, it is consider that the site was visit by bots imitating mom database human actions. In such a situation, it is recommend to install protection against behavioral cheating. Traffic from a specific region If your resource is tailor to a specific region, you offer services and promote yourself in a location convenient for you, then it will be strange to see a flurry of users from the opposite side of the country or from abroad.

special data

A surge in direct visits and their geographic location

Is reflect in Yandex.Metrica. Bounce rates are increasing If the number of refusals has increas from the acceptable 10-15% to 60 percent this happens not only for reasons or more, then this is a reason to be wary. The situation may negatively affect the behavioral factor. But here it is necessary to remember that the robot factor does not always give such a picture. In some cases, the number of “departures” may even decrease. Such a picture indicates that your platform in WordPress is training robots in the necessary skills.

In this regard, it is recommend

To take into account the decrease in other metrics: duration of views, their depth. Dubious login pages Any deviation from the site’s typical bulk lead everyday picture should alert the owners. Here, various options may be observ : Unusually large increase on several web pages; Possible login from 404 error page; An equal increase in traffic on a certain number of pages, while the rest show natural dynamics. What are the systems for protecting websites from bots?

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