Home » Today, there are several types of solutions that can counter bots

Today, there are several types of solutions that can counter bots

WAF (Web Application Firewall); Systems that protect against hacker attacks; Anti-bot systems. One of the common means aim at checking the “humanity” of the visitor is CAPCHA, which prec es registration on the site. The system has gone from the elementary input of numbers/letters to the use of cryptography. Another approach to verifying a user and distinguishing them from a bot is to use cookies. The data they contain gives an idea of ​​the reputation of the site’s guest.

Complex security systems include traffic

Cleaning services, device fingerprinting, and advertising database application firewalls. When it comes to WAF, this monitoring and filtering system is us to counter high-level, intensive attacks. To protect your sites from bots, the free iThemes Security plugin for WordPress provides an additional level of security. The service includes a WordPress log that records events in real time, including robot activity.

special data

TOP 3 services for combating bot traffic

It is recommend to periodically monitor traffic for the presence of malicious algorithms. If their number exce s 25% of the total volume patients are more likely of visits, then problems with leading search engines may arise. It is necessary to accept the fact that there will be no complete elimination of bots. But their number can be effectively r uc . There are special tools for this. CloudFlare Almost 30% of all projects trust their protection to this program.

Among the advantages are:

R uces the load on the site by caching images on its own; When properly configur , protection extends to bots that do not support the HTTP2 protocol; Protects against bulk lead DDoS attacks; The free plan includes all previous items. The disadvantages include: There is no protection against manipulation of behavioral factors; Sometimes an IP ban from Roskomnadzor is possible. BotFAQtor Analyzes the ways visitors come to the online platform, blocks traffic bas on sources, visit options, etc.

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