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Which is undoubtly the central axis

Even if we focus only on the commercial process, that of obtaining reservations, we observe that the majority of a hotel’s “purchases” are actually made through third-party systems: the various players in the sector who not only centralize.

A large percentage of

the acquisition of reservations, but even resell their offers among themselves, leaving us, the hotels, without much control over the process. This reservation process, of customer acquisition, is mostly carri out on other websites, which means that we do not control it and, worse, we do not learn from it .

Within this panorama, it is important

To be clear about one thing: only one channel offers us the best profitability, total control, and a real capacity for improvement and optimization at the same time : the direct channel. Our website, our booking engine and our own brand add up to the line data only channel where we own the booking process.


special data


Those who have work for a long time

In the digital hotel sector know and manage the direct channel quite well. They invest time, budget and team in getting the maximum possible volume of reservations through their own resources to take them away from third parties. That is where the real profitability lies. But for many other hotels, considering it a minority channel, it does not 7 tips to Increase sales at the checkout counter receive the importance it deserves.

In this article, without intending

To unravel all the secrets of the direct channel or web conversions, I would like to talk about the learning and optimization capacity of direct sales. To do so, I want to focus on GA4, a tool that we at IKAUE know well and that constitutes the central axis of many of our analyses. However, I will not talk about implementation, configuration, or custom dashboards. These elements are necessary to work on the analysis of any website, but in practice they are only the means to achieve other ends.

Instead, allow me to concentrate

On several key points that can make a difference in how we manage the direct channel and continuously improve its results.

Let’s go!

Our 5 points where analytics can help optimize  your revenue
1. Analysis of ROAS and the differential with usa data third-party commissions.
When should we use metrics link to booking achievement?

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