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Within the scope of interaction with AI

In addition, this AI also has the ability to extend the boundaries of the image, filling in the spaces with content based on the rest of the photograph. This can be very useful when we need space on one side of the image to insert text, for example.

mbudo-ia-for-design-4Image modified by AI to extend the photo boundary to the right, creating a space where we can insert text.

To achieve this, we communicate with the AI ​​through a text box, where we enter our prompt .

Prompt functions as the main input


we use to establish communication with the machine. In other words, it is the expression we use to ask questions, make proposals or give instructions to the AI ​​according to our intentions.

We must adapt our prompt according to the AI ​​we want to communicate with. In the case of Photoshop Generative Fill, we must avoid giving orders by formulating imperative sentences. Instead, Photoshop will give us the best teacher database results when we describe in our prompt what the final result we want to achieve is.



3. Exploration and Adjustment

Once our proposal is generated, you will have the option to explore the visual suggestions provided by the AI. Feel free to adjust the parameters and regenerate according to your preferences.

By default, Photoshop’s Generative Fill gives you 3 different fourth, some companies are known options for each prompt you enter. You can view these options by clicking on the navigation arrows that appear in our flyout menu after completing the generation. However, if you click on the “Generate” button again, Photoshop will create another three options for the prompt you entered. You can repeat the process as many times as necessary.


4. Practical Application in the Project
Select the option that best suits your creative vision and Photoshop afb directory will apply it directly to your image. AI seamlessly integrates your creations into the existing canvas, so in most cases there is little to no extra work required.

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