A sponsored article is an article offered by an advertiser to a blog or other online publishing service in order to promote a product or service . The publication can be free or paid depending on what is agreed between the advertiser and the webmaster of the host site. A sponsored article looks like any other blog article and contains a link to the advertiser’s site . It also includes the mention “sponsored article” to inform readers. The cost of a sponsored article depends mainly on the quality of the host site and its audience. It varies from a few tens to several thousand euros. Different metrics are taken into account to define the cost of publishing a sponsored article , such as Trust Flow , Domain Authority, Citation Flow, monthly traffic, etc.
improve the netlinking of your site
to make the proposed product or service known to a wider audience;
increase traffic;
strengthen the natural referencing of the site;
increase your online reputation.
The advantage for the host is to be able to monetize their blog and improve its natural referencing .
Be careful though, because search engines do cyprus phone number library not appreciate the practice: a sponsored article is a disguised link purchase , a practice prohibited by search engines since it alters the results of a query. However, this remains a common practice despite the penalties incurred. To avoid a penalty, you must put the link pointing to your site in nofollow , which will prohibit search engine crawlers from following it. It will only be visible to Internet users.
How to create a sponsored article?
If you want to write your first sponsored post, but don’t know how to go about it, here are the different steps to follow. The order doesn’t matter: you can start by writing the post or find a host blog first.
Choosing which keywords to use
Before you start writing the article, you will need to choose the keywords to place in the text. These are the keywords, especially long tail keywords, that will allow 5. conversion xl live Internet users to find the article on search engines. It is not necessary to choose taiwan data a lot of them, at the risk of weighing down the text. Remember that the text is intended to be read. Also think about the text that will serve as an anchor for the link pointing to your site.