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B2B Digital Marketing, ON/OFF

A B2B digital strategy is more than just having a website, LinkIn, apps, social selling or social mia. In reality, it should be a fusion with the corporate strategy, involving different areas of the company from both an online and offline perspective.

The days when B2B Marketing had an invisible barrier between the sales and marketing areas are over. Today, they must be fully communicat, since it is the only way for the message to accurately reach the people who make up the company that will be “your client”.

We are in a digital moment where

B2B leaders will be those who manage to satisfy people’s nes and create a standard in their industry.

To illustrate this, we must consider that your client is multi-channel. He is connect to digital channels, but he also attends uruguay phone number library conferences, does research, participates in seminars, among other activities. Therefore, we must go beyond the digital.

Your strategy must take into account this multi-channel perspective, which means not only being present, but knowing how to be there and achieving synergies, thus generating digital capital.


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In our experience, we have manag

To create strategies that enhance actions, such as participation in fairs, refocusing and transforming these instances into events 6 transactional emails to multiply your ecommerce sales with their own call and digital assets. This perspective can be appli to corporate breakfasts, webinars, seminars, among others.

Furthermore, it is important to never forget that every action that links the online and offline world must be measur with precise indicators and must follow detail planning.

A comprehensive digital strategy is key to the success of any B2B business. Search engines and social networks value the relevance of content and the coherence between the channel and the message, so it is essential to identify the appropriate platforms for publishing content.


To improve sales in a digital environment


Personalization is key. Constructing an appropriate message and content is important, but so is the mium to communicate it. That is why LinkIn has become an essential social network for businesses, as users spend more time on it and cz leads there is a lot of activity within the platform.


LinkIn is a business hub, but not everyone knows how to spot and take advantage of opportunities that arise. To avoid this mistake, you ne to create a strategy for finding opportunities: capturing interest, following up, and closing the deal.

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